Launch of an internal AAP

URL is mobilizing in the face of the current pandemic context with its AAP_2020. It is indeed crucial to provide analyses of past crises and to anticipate future ones, whether directly or indirectly linked to the coronavirus. The idea behind this approach is to support multidisciplinary work on risks and crises in urban areas by building on the Covid-19 crisis in the broader sense. The goal is to improve prevention and anticipation efforts in urban crisis scenarios in the light of the current analysis. The call is therefore two-fold: firstly, to provide feedback on what happened (technological aspects with digital applications, organizational and political aspects of crisis management at the governmental/territorial levels, scientific controversies, text and video analyses, illustrations, etc.), and; secondly, to research and develop thinking on and solutions to the health, economic, social, political and environmental issues (notably pollution, waste, etc.) generated by this crisis, its management and how populations understand them. The call is open on a continuous basis until September 18, 2020 .